Plan to track HIV-positive visitors

No, not in the Philippines, but in Australia.

Prime Minister John Howard has written to his immigration and health ministers asking them for advice on whether HIV/AIDS poses a public health risk and on the public health implications of letting HIV-positive people into the country.

Source: The Age

I don’t know how I feel about this. On one hand, I know they are just being ultra protective of their country and its people. On the other hand, damn. That just seem wrong.

Australia is very strict about what you bring in and out of the country. Because of their isolation, they have flora and fauna not found anywhere else in the world. They are very protective of these natural resources, hence the strict control in letting in foreign er, objects.

But we’re talking about people and a disease here. Of course, they’re merely looking after the health of the populace of the county, but it still feels so so wrong. My words fail me. Maybe I’ll expound in this later on.

How about you, how do you feel about this?





One response to “Plan to track HIV-positive visitors”

  1. aj Avatar

    nice blog… 😉

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