• Travel Expenses: Hobart

    The first time I went to Hobart, I wasn’t able to keep track of our expenses. Since we were hosted by my brother-in-law’s friends, we had no accommodation expense, and most of our meals were had at their house. Beautiful Hobart On this trip, however, my sisters and I were on our own, and I…

  • What’s in my bag

    It seems as if my bag is accumulating more stuff to bring as the years pass. In my years of traveling, I have discarded things I used to think was the bee’s knees, and have learned to embrace some of the items I used to scoff at. Such is life. Here’s another round of new…

  • Good night, Melbourne

    I’m counting down the hours until my departure in Australia. I’ll be flying out of the country at 10am, but I will start traveling at 3 o’clock in the morning. The trip home will take me the whole day, and if all three flights are on time, I will be in Manila as the clock…

  • How to apply for a Chinese Tourist Visa in Australia

    Do you pack a what-if item in your bag? You know, the ones that you put in your suitcase or backpack just in case? I’m one of those. My what-if items are photocopies of my passport, birth certificate, and business registration. I also keep a couple of passport-sized photos. You know, just in case. My…

  • The wonder of Shangri-La Hotel, Sydney

    Things sometimes just fall into place. When I was planning my trips for 2013, I envisioned myself in Melbourne in January, sweating profusely due to the summer heat and swatting flies with wild abandons, just so I can catch Cirque du Soleil’s Ovo. Something came up, and I needed to push it to May, but…

  • Budget travel in Australia

    One of the main reasons I went to Australia is because I wanted to travel without spending a lot. Staying with my sisters took a huge chunk of accommodation and meal expenses. I certainly wouldn’t be able to afford to stay in Melbourne for more than two months if I was traveling on my own.

  • Snapshot Melbourne: Street art

    Ever since I started traveling with a smartphone, I’ve been religious about posting these mini blog entries to update about where I am, and what I have been doing. Yet, I have been here in Australia for a month now, and haven’t blog anything. I suppose that’s the down side to living like a local…

  • Shangri-La Hotel’s “School’s Out, Fun’s In”

    Though school is definitely not out in the Philippines, it is on other parts of the world. Also, it doesn’t mean there’s no more time to have some fun during the weekend, right? Very inviting pool of the Shangri-La’s Boracay Resort and Spa While in Boracay last May, my mermaid friend Ida, told us to…

  • Dining options at The District Boracay

    The District Boracay has three food and beverage outlets: the Vigan Grill, Star Lounge, and Caruso Ristorante Italiano. First meal: grilled prawns and poqui-poqui My first meal at The District was at Vigan Grill on the day of my arrival, and I was joined by the Ms. Naomi, the Resort Manager. As we wait for…

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