Tag: morocco

  • Hassi Labied and Erg Chebbi

    Once again we woke up inside a bus, but the landscape outside is quite different. There seemed to be a seemingly endless nothingness, broken only by small clusters of buildings every once in a while. Slowly, the bus empties, until only half a dozen tourists remain. The driver pulls up to a small town in…

  • Project Morocco

    When I published my Morocco travel expenses, friends started messaging me expressing their surprise at the figures I presented and asked for tips on how to plan a trip to Morocco. I promised them I’d give a copy of my spreadsheet, which has our itinerary, budget, list of accommodation we considered staying at and links…

  • Snapshot Morocco: Volubilis

    Our Moroccan adventure is off to a good start! Instead of staying at Casablanca (our point of entry), we hopped on the train to Fes and got off at Meknes, one of Morocco’s old imperial cities. There’s not as much tourist here, so the touts aren’t as agressive. Or maybe we’re just too oblivious. The…