• Buddha Tooth Relic Temple

    Okay, can somebody explain this to me? I came upon this shop while I was wandering around Chinatown, looking for the best Hainanese chicken rice at the Maxwell hawker center.

  • Review Me

    Sponsored Post Traveling isn’t cheap. Well, it *can* be cheap, but if you travel a lot on your own money, the bills rack up and trust me, it ain’t pretty. I’m always on the look out for additional sources of income to finance my trips, and I was pretty glad to get an e-mail from…

  • A hyphotetical what if question

    Say somebody is willing to pay for your plane ticket with any airline you prefer. Would you: 1) Pick the airline where your frequent flyer miles are. The airline isn’t too bad; it’s not at the bottom of the ratings list, but it’s nowhere near the top either. or 2) Pick a different airline to…

  • A different kind of trip

    Last weekend, I went on a different kind of trip: a trip to the hospital. I am a typical Sagittarian: optimistic. When it comes to hospitals though, I am terribly pessimistic. Whereas some people see hospitals as beacons of hope, birth and rebirth, I see it as a bringer of death.

  • Something to tide you over

    I’ll be away again for a 3-day “trip,” after which I hope to go home alive *drama* Here’s two of my favorite travel blogs to entertain you during my weekend off.

  • Holy packing sheet!

    I am now starting to LOVE Cebu Pacific.

  • One last thing…

    I don’t know how strict they are the Ninoy Aquino International Airport, but the airport security personnel at the domestic terminal of the Mactan-Cebu International Airport were very strict.

  • Another frickin’ filler

    For some frickin’ reason, I got sick.

  • Travel Expenses: Bohol 2006

    It’s been three days since we got back from [tag]Bohol[/tag] and I’m still recovering from my vacation. How ironic. The things that happened when I got home was just too stressful and I still couldn’t shake it off. Hopefully, I’ll be back in good working condition by Monday. Something good came in the mail the…

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